ELPAC Oral Interaction – Picture Description 7

This image depicts the interior of an airport terminal, viewed from an elevated perspective. In the foreground, rows of empty seats are neatly arranged in the waiting area, with a few passengers scattered throughout. The terminal’s large floor-to-ceiling windows dominate the scene, offering a clear view of the tarmac outside. A commercial airplane is parked at the gate, connected to the terminal by a jet bridge. Various ground service vehicles, including baggage carts and maintenance trucks, are positioned around the aircraft, indicating ongoing ground operations. The bright daylight illuminates the entire scene, highlighting the cleanliness and modern design of the terminal. In the distance, another airplane can be seen taxiing on the runway, and the expansive airport infrastructure extends toward the horizon.

Pronunciation: Clear and intelligible pronunciation with no significant influence from the speaker’s first language.
Structure: The use of complex sentence structures and well-organized paragraphs, showcasing advanced grammatical proficiency.
Vocabulary: A wide range of precise and context-appropriate vocabulary, allowing for a detailed and nuanced description.
Fluency: Smooth and uninterrupted speech with a natural flow, indicating high fluency and coherence.
Comprehension: Deep understanding of the scene and the ability to convey intricate details and relevant aviation terminology accurately.
Interactions: Although this is a monologue, the ability to produce such a detailed and coherent narrative suggests excellent interaction skills in potential conversational contexts.

These elements collectively indicate a speaker who meets the highest standards of proficiency as defined by the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements, capable of delivering clear, detailed, and contextually appropriate descriptions.

This image shows the inside of an airport terminal. In the front, there are many rows of empty seats, with a few people sitting and waiting. The large windows give a clear view of the airport outside. There is an airplane parked at the gate, connected to the terminal by a walkway. Several airport vehicles, like luggage carts and small trucks, are around the airplane. The scene is well-lit by natural daylight. In the background, another airplane is moving on the runway, and you can see more of the airport stretching out to the horizon.

Pronunciation: Generally clear pronunciation with only slight influence from the speaker’s first language, which does not impede understanding.
Structure: Use of simple and compound sentences accurately, though lacking the complexity and variety of higher levels.
Vocabulary: Adequate range of vocabulary to describe the scene, though it may be less precise and varied than at Level 6.
Fluency: Fluent speech with occasional hesitations or repetitions, indicating good but not perfect fluency.
Comprehension: Good understanding of the scene and ability to describe it adequately, though potentially missing some details and nuances.
Interactions: Effective communication in routine interactions, though may need clarification or repetition in more complex scenarios.

These elements show a speaker who can communicate effectively in an aviation context but may not have the depth and precision of a Level 6 speaker.

This picture shows the inside of an airport. There are many chairs, and some people are sitting. There are big windows, and you can see an airplane outside. The airplane is at the gate, and some small vehicles are near it. The sky is bright, and you can see another airplane in the background.

Pronunciation: Pronunciation may be heavily influenced by the speaker’s first language, potentially causing some difficulty for the listener.
Structure: The use of very simple and basic sentence structures with limited complexity.
Vocabulary: Limited range of vocabulary, often using general terms and struggling to find specific words, leading to imprecise and repetitive descriptions.
Fluency: Speech may include frequent pauses, hesitations, and repetition as the speaker searches for words or correct structures.
Comprehension: Basic understanding of the scene but the description lacks depth and detail, showing a limited grasp of the context.
Interactions: The speaker may struggle in extended conversations and may need support from the interlocutor to maintain the interaction.

These elements indicate a speaker who can communicate basic ideas and information but lacks the proficiency to handle more complex or detailed descriptions effectively.


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