ELPAC Oral Interaction – Picture Description

In the picture, we see two Lufthansa Airbus A320 aircraft on a tarmac at an airport. The aircraft in the foreground is taxiing on a taxiway, while the aircraft in the background is taking off. Both planes are painted in the standard Lufthansa livery, featuring a predominantly white fuselage with the blue and yellow Lufthansa logo on the tail.
The weather appears to be clear, with no visible precipitation or significant cloud cover, indicating likely favorable flying conditions. The background includes a view of the airport infrastructure, such as runways, taxiways, and possibly some distant airport buildings, though they are not clearly defined. The surrounding terrain looks flat, and there is a slight haze, suggesting it might be early morning or late afternoon.
The scene demonstrates typical airport operations involving aircraft taxiing and taking off. The coordination between air traffic control and the pilots is crucial in such settings to ensure safety and efficiency. The aircraft taking off must have received clearance from the control tower, and the taxiing plane is likely either heading towards a runway for departure or moving towards a gate after landing.
This picture underscores the importance of precise communication and adherence to protocols in aviation to maintain a safe and orderly environment at the airport.

  1. Fluency: Speech is natural and smooth without hesitation. Example: Describing two aircraft on a tarmac.
  2. Pronunciation: Speech is clear and easy to understand. Example: Describing the livery of the planes.
  3. Structure: Uses complex and varied sentences effectively. Example: Describing clear weather conditions.
  4. Vocabulary: Uses a wide range of accurate vocabulary. Example: Describing typical airport operations.
  5. Comprehension: Fully understands and accurately describes the scenario. Example: Highlighting the coordination between pilots and air traffic control.
  6. Interaction: Interacts meaningfully with the content, adding context. Example: Emphasizing the importance of precise communication.

Meeting these criteria shows full command of the language, accurate vocabulary, clear pronunciation, and insightful understanding, qualifying for Level 6.

In the picture, there are two Lufthansa airplanes at an airport. The plane in the front is on the ground, moving on the taxiway, and the plane in the back is taking off. Both planes are from Lufthansa and have the company’s usual colors with a white body and a blue tail with the yellow logo.
The weather looks clear, with no rain or clouds, suggesting good flying conditions. We can see some airport facilities like runways and taxiways in the background. The landscape around the airport seems flat, and there is a bit of haze, which might mean it is early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
This scene shows regular airport activities with planes taking off and moving on the ground. The coordination between the pilots and air traffic control is essential to ensure safety and efficiency. The plane taking off must have received permission from the control tower, and the plane on the ground is probably going to the runway to take off or going to a gate after landing
The picture highlights the importance of clear communication and following procedures in aviation to keep everything running smoothly and safely at the airport.

  1. Fluency: Generally smooth, but slightly less natural than Level 6.
  2. Pronunciation: Clear, with minor native language influence.
  3. Structure: Uses varied structures, but some are simpler and less complex.
  4. Vocabulary: Appropriate but lacks the richness and variety of Level 6.
  5. Comprehension: Understands main points but lacks deeper insight.
  6. Interaction: Provides relevant context, but with less depth and precision.

Overall, the response is good but not at the highest proficiency level.

In the picture, there are two planes. One plane is on the ground and the other plane is flying up. The planes are from Lufthansa. They are white and blue. The weather looks good. There is no rain or clouds. I see runways and some buildings. The place is flat, and it looks a bit foggy. Maybe it is morning or evening. The planes are doing normal airport things. One plane is taking off and the other plane is moving on the ground. The people need to talk to each other to be safe. The plane in the air got permission to take off. The plane on the ground is going to the runway or a gate. The picture shows how important it is to talk clearly and follow rules at the airport to be safe.

  1. Fluency: Speech is hesitant and lacks smoothness.
  2. Pronunciation: Pronunciation issues make it less clear.
  3. Structure: Uses simple and repetitive sentence structures.
  4. Vocabulary: Limited vocabulary, with frequent repetition and basic word choice.
  5. Comprehension: Understands basic points but lacks detail and deeper understanding.
  6. Interaction: Minimal interaction with content, lacks additional context and insight.

Overall, the response is basic and lacks the proficiency needed for higher levels.

testaviation – Aviation English


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