ELPAC Oral Interaction – Picture Description

In the image, we observe a busy airport terminal with travelers standing in line at what appears to be a check-in or boarding area. The terminal is brightly lit, primarily by natural light filtering through large windows that span the background. The floor is glossy, reflecting the light and contributing to the spacious, clean atmosphere of the terminal.
Several flight information display boards are mounted above the travelers, showing flight numbers, destinations, and statuses. The travelers, a mix of men and women, are dressed casually, with some wearing jackets and others in lighter clothing, suggesting a diverse range of destinations or origins. Each traveler is accompanied by their luggage, with a variety of suitcase colors and sizes visible, indicating different types of journeys, from short trips to longer stays.
The travelers appear focused on the information screens, likely checking for updates on their flights. The scene is orderly, with clear lines formed by stanchions and ropes guiding the passengers to their respective areas. There is a sense of anticipation and readiness as people prepare for their upcoming flights, indicative of the structured yet dynamic environment typical of international airports.

This description is Level 6 because it accurately captures the scene with detailed, precise vocabulary, uses complex sentence structures, and maintains clear cohesion and coherence throughout. It demonstrates a high proficiency in English, indicative of near-native fluency.

In the picture, there is a group of people standing in an airport terminal. They are in a line, waiting for something, possibly checking in or boarding a flight. The terminal is large and well-lit with natural light coming through big windows. There are several display boards above them showing flight information. The people are dressed in casual clothes and have different kinds of luggage with them. Some are looking up at the boards, checking their flight details.

The scene looks organized, with barriers set up to manage the line. The atmosphere seems busy but orderly, typical for an airport setting. There is a sense of anticipation among the travelers as they wait for further instructions or updates on their flights.

This description qualifies as a Level 4-5 response on the ICAO Aviation English scale because:

  1. Fluency: The response is generally fluent but may have minor hesitations. The flow of language is mostly smooth but not as seamless as a Level 6 response.
  2. Comprehension: There is a good understanding of the scene, but the description may lack some details or deeper insights that a higher level might include.
  3. Interactions: While this is a monologue, a Level 4-5 speaker can handle interactions but might require some clarification and might not handle complex interactions as smoothly.
  4. Structure: The structure is clear but simpler than Level 6. Sentences are well-formed but less complex, with occasional grammatical errors that do not impede overall understanding.
  5. Vocabulary: The vocabulary is appropriate and accurate but more limited than a Level 6 response. It describes the scene clearly but with less variety and precision.
  6. Pronunciation: Although not applicable in written form, a Level 4-5 speaker would have generally clear pronunciation but might have some errors that could occasionally require clarification.

This response meets the ICAO Level 4-5 criteria by providing a clear and understandable description, demonstrating good but not exceptional language proficiency. It captures the main elements of the scene but with less detail and complexity compared to a Level 6 response.

In the picture, there are people in an airport. They are standing in a line with their bags. There are big windows and a lot of light. Above them, there are screens with flight information. Some people are looking at the screens. They are wearing different clothes. The place looks busy but organized.

This description qualifies as a Level 2-3 response on the ICAO Aviation English scale because:

  1. Fluency: The response is somewhat fluent but marked by hesitation and a basic structure. The speaker may struggle to maintain a natural flow.
  2. Comprehension: There is a basic understanding of the scene, but the description lacks detail and depth. The understanding is limited to simple, observable facts.
  3. Interactions: A Level 2-3 speaker would struggle with complex interactions, often needing support and clarification. They might rely on memorized phrases and simple sentences.
  4. Structure: The sentence structure is very simple, often with grammatical errors that can make understanding difficult. Complex structures are avoided.
  5. Vocabulary: The vocabulary is limited to basic words and phrases. The speaker might struggle to find the right words and often uses repetitive language.
  6. Pronunciation: Although not applicable in written form, a Level 2-3 speaker would likely have significant pronunciation issues that could impede understanding.

This response meets the ICAO Level 2-3 criteria by providing a very basic and limited description, demonstrating only rudimentary language proficiency. It captures only the most obvious elements of the scene, with minimal detail and complexity.

testaviation – Aviation English


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